About this blog

And here I am, adding yet another blog to the long list of blogs that I seem to be miraculously managing amidst all my daydreaming. This one, however, is for the mundane day to day happenings

Saturday, 18 April 2015

OK Kanmani (Main stream Movie project #2)

Exactly one year after Gangster, Our second big screen project - O K Kanmani - released yesterday to full houses. The response has been overwhelming so far. Kudos to my team at Studio Dreamcatcher for pulling off the animated segments on time. Our sincere gratitude to Mani Ratnam sir for this wonderful opportunity, and to Pratheek Thomas and Studio Kokaachi for working shoulder to shoulder with us and making this an enjoyable experience.

P.S: You can see my name credited as Show Director along with the 2D Game sequence credits in the end credit roll
P.P.S: Here's a pic of all of us who could make it to the opening show yesterday
Pic Courtesy: Pravin